Welcome to the BetrSign®COCKPIT electronic signature functionality test page. See the setup information and the list of detected Wacom signature devices below.



  • Windows: 10, 11
  • Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge
The BetrSign®COCKPIT must be installed and running.
You can download it by pressing the Download button.
Run cockpit
Run the BetrSign®COCKPIT by clicking the Play button.

Test signature capture with BetrSign®COCKPIT

BetrSign®COCKPIT version and Device

Version not detected - try refreshing this page

Device not detected - try refreshing this page

Last captured signature

Update Wacom devices

FAQ and troubleshooting

If there are problems with the installation or operation of the component, click here.

If you have found an issue that FAQ does not cover, you can help SETCCE find the problem by providing the correct information. SETCCE provides a support tool, SETCCE Log Collector, that gathers information about your computer relevant to SETCCE products. You can find more info, installation instructions, and the download link in SETCCE Log Collector Tool Policy and Instructions.pdf.